Best Deal On Prenatal Vitamins: FREE!

best-prenatal-vitamins-that-won't-make-you-nauseous.jpg I’ve already told you how I wasted money on prenatal vitamins that made me vomit.

I wish I had lived near a Meijer store!

The family-friendly company Meijer has rolled out a new program giving FREE prenatal vitamins to all expectant moms.

UPDATE: big chains like Walmart and Kroger have followed suit!

Here’s how to get your free prenatal vitamins…

Free Prenatal Vitamins

Meijer broke ground with a free antibiotic program in 1996.

Now, they want to extend the same health benefits to women during such an important time of their lives.

What’s truly generous?

You’re not limited to one particular brand.

So far, Meijer will supply you with free prenatal vitamins from any of these major companies:

  • NatalCare Plus
  • Ultra Natal Care
  • Natal Care Glosstabs
  • Advanced NatalCare
  • NataTab Rx

Even cooler?

You can get these prenatal vitamins FREE even before you conceive, so long as your physician writes you a prescription.

Here’s the complete information on Meijer’s prenatal vitamin program.

Click here to find a Meijer near you.

If you don’t live near one, take heart:  Meijer’s antibiotic program sparked the current $4 prescription plans at national chains like Walmart and Kroger, too.