During Your PregnancyHealth & Beauty

iPod Baby Belt Plays Music To Baby In The Womb

wee-pod-ipod-baby-belt-by-RichardBronosky.jpg You’ve heard of Baby Mozart and the Mozart effect, right?

Well, the iPod Baby Belt is along those same lines, and it is fast becoming one of the newest fashion interests for mothers-to-be.

The belt is actually an iPod that plays music for your unborn child.

Read MacWorld’s report on this baby iPod device.

Since studies have shown that babies in the womb are aware of things going on outside the womb (like sounds for example), it’s not all that surprising that moms-to-be would flock to purchase the iPod Baby Belt. Music can help to calm babies in the womb, as well as improve the baby’s creativity and development — both of which are important to expectant parents.

The iPod Baby Belt is the brain child of Geof Ramsay, a Canadian design student. While it’s not yet on the market, Ramsay says that he has gotten a lot of interest from companies since the news broke April 17, 2009.

Scientists have talked about music being a catalyst for an unborn child’s mental growth for years. This simple device just gives mothers a chance to try out that theory and also to help form a bond with their baby before they are even born. — Geof Ramsay

The “baby iPod” — also known as the B(I)aby or the Blaby — has an MP3 player and 3 speakers that are pointed inward towards the tummy and the baby inside.

The pregnant mother can download music from her computer to the MP3 player and have her own selection of songs for the baby. There is also a feature that allows the mom to record her own lullaby if she would like to as well. As if all this wasn’t cool enough by itself, the iPod Baby Belt also has massagers in the back that mom can activate whenever her back is hurting.

Whether you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant sometime in the near future, you might want to consider getting one of these little beauties. Since science backs up the advantages of playing music for the unborn child, it only makes sense that eventually someone would come up with an invention that would make this much easier for mothers-to-be.


Advantages Of The iPod Baby Belt:

  • it’s portable
  • the speakers send music directly to your unborn child
  • you can record your own lullaby for your baby
  • it has massagers in the back to help relax your back muscles that are already working overtime!

All and all, I see this invention as being one that is going to take off like a rocket. The only question now is price, and if it is affordable for most new moms (and not just those who are independently wealthy), then I see a great future for the iPod Baby Belt.

The Ritmo Music Belt is a similar product that was recently released: