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Emotions And Mood Swings

Placenta Encapsulation Benefits: Eating placenta isn't for everyone. How and why I consumed my placenta (in the form of capsules) after the birth of my son.

Do you know what the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression are? What about the causes of postnatal depression? You might be surprised to learn this is a fairly common condition that mothers experience after the birth of a child. Here's how to treat post partum depression if you or someone you know has it.

5 pediatrician-recommended ways to re-create the feeling of being in the womb during baby's first 3 months of life. Your baby was content for 9 months inside the womb and now must learn to transition to the real world.

I'm a FT stay-at-home mom... and I sometimes need a break! I've found 10 ways to enjoy a well-deserved mom day while socializing my toddler at the same time

When you have a summer pregnancy (like I did), you need some good ways to beat the heat. Here are 30+ creative ways to stay cool during the hot summer months when you're pregnant.

Having a high risk pregnancy doesn’t mean something bad is going to happen. It just means 1 or more high risk pregnancy factors exist. What you can expect.

Post partum is called the 4th stage of labor. Here are 4 postpartum recovery issues (which can last from 6 weeks to 6 months) that they don't tell you about

We usually hear about the sweet & rosy things associated with pregnancy. Here are some of the lesser known facts about pregnancy & what happens to your body

By the time I was in my third trimester, I was so tired of being pregnant. See how I dealt with the pain, hunger, anxiety, guilt & fear in my 3rd trimester.