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First pregnancy? Wondering what contractions feel like and when they should start? How to tell true labor contractions from false labor & Braxton Hicks contractions.

Methods of inducing labor yourself - natural ways to induce labor on your own. We dispel some of the old wives tales too. See how to stimulate the production of certain hormones in your body to encourage labor yourself.

The more you understand about the birthing process and the steps that you go through in labor, the more you will know ahead of time what to expect and you won't fear it so much. Here's what you need to know about the stages of labor.

It is technically safe to deliver a baby up to 2 weeks past your due date, but you may be interested in speeding things along a bit. There are LOTS of natural ways to induce labor at home yourself! Here are ways of inducing labor that you can try at home - including things you can DO to increase labor and things you can EAT to induce labor.

There are tons of baby cell phone apps available now for new parents. Photo by PatCastaldo on Flickr

Most of us have heard about the thousands of cell phone apps available these days, but do you know about all of the baby cell phone apps that exist for new moms and dads? Here are all the best iPhone apps for parents -- to make both your pregnancy and life with your new baby a little easier... and fun!

This video shows the 5 techniques that doctors can use when inducing labor.

Ways to tell when it's time to call your doctor because the baby is definitely coming!

Following are some of the most important, fact-based things that you should NOT do when pregnant, as well as some of the questionable things that you CAN, in fact, do while pregnant. Plus foods you should and should not eat during pregnancy.

After some contractions and cramping at 19 weeks, my ultrasound showed placenta previa, a serious pregnancy complication in which the placenta covers the cervix. Here are some online resources that explain what placenta previa means to expectant moms and placenta previa questions to ask your doctor.