You’ve gotta admit it: you love the attention of being pregnant.
I certainly do!
Don’t miss these fun ways to get recognized just for having a baby.
Here are 3 places to check for free pregnancy gifts:
My friend Lynnette wrote the book on free pregnancy and baby stuff.
Her easy-to-click list of freebies has over 16 things you can order. And they’re all FREE.
But I’ve found a few free baby things she missed!
Here are 3 places you can find pregnancy gifts in your own community:
#1 Your Health Insurance Company
I’m embarassed to say it took me 3 pregnancies to learn about Blue Cross Blue Shield’s pregancy freebies. Soon after your first OB visit, watch the mail for a postcard asking you to sign up.
Depending on your insurance company, you might receive a free copy of What To Expect When You’re Expecting or home visits from a nurse after the baby is born.
#2 Local Baby Fairs
These booth-filled events are usually sponsored by the health department, a local hospital, or your city’s parent publication. They’re definitely worth attending!
At these women’s expos, new mom shows, and conventions for mothers held in communities all across the country, you’ll find lots of great freebies for new parents.
Fill a totebag with free literature about local baby resources, speak with doulas about natural birth, find coupons for baby products and young children’s activities. I never had to buy a pacificer or nursing pads after visiting one giant baby fair!
#3 Books From Birth
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library will send a free book each month to every child from birth to age 5. See if your state participates in this awesome gift!
These high-quality books are designed to build your baby’s library and vocabulary. Sign up now!
#4 The Hospital Where You Gave Birth
Sign up for and get all those freebies they offer!
Hospitals tend to partner with a number of baby-friendly companies. Take advantage of that. Usually all you have to do is ask!