It’s time to start stocking up for baby’s arrival!
- How many diapers should you buy ahead?
- How long does a baby wear each size diaper?
- What’s a good sale price on diapers?
- What brand diaper should I buy before baby comes?
Here are some good answers I’ve found from fellow moms…
Newborn Diapers
You should have at least one (1) pack of newborn diapers when you bring baby home.
You might want to try one of each brand at first.
After that, concentrate your diaper buying in size 1 — where most babies will remain for several more weeks.
Diapers: It’s A Numbers Game
Blogger Kacie of Sense to Save is expecting her first child.
When she wondered how many diaper deals to stockpile during pregnancy, she went straight for the numbers.
Read Kacie’s analysis, which matches baby growth stages with diaper sizes. Don’t miss the great comments from experienced moms at the bottom.
How Do You Know When A Diaper Is A Good Deal?
You check Baby Cheapskate, of course!
When you see your baby’s size diaper at the Baby Cheapskate price point, you know it’s a good time to stock up.
Adding coupons only sweetens the deal!
What Kind Of Diaper Should You Buy?
The answer depends on your baby’s unique size and shape.
Some moms are fiercely brand loyal, while others (like me) can be more flexible, experimenting with store brands and coupon deals.
Until you know how diapers react on your baby, I wouldn’t buy too many. If you do, try taping the receipt on the bottom of each box — just in case.
One More Tip: Don’t throw those diaper boxes away! Smart moms know that sturdy diaper boxes make great storage for baby clothes. Just put the outgrown clothes in the appropriate size diaper box, and you won’t even need to label it!
More About Newborn Baby Diapers
Diapering A Newborn: The Scoop On Pee & Poop
How To Cloth Diaper A Newborn Baby
Before You Buy Disposable Diapers For Your Newborn
Meconium: Your Baby’s First Stool