Not all daddys-to-be are here in the U.S. with their wives, girlfriends, and fiances.
Some are overseas serving in the military, and they may be missing out on one of the most important times of their lives: the pregnancy and growth of their unborn child.
Thanks to the folks at Digi Time Capsule, people like you and me can help military moms-to-be give the men in their lives a precious gift: a digital time capsule of their pregnancy which the dads-to-be can view online.
If you would like to sponsor a military mom-to-be and help her share pictures, videos, and sound with her partner overseas, now’s the time!
If you’re a military mom-to-be yourself, then you may want to register to be a part of the program. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
Mommy-to-be can make as many movies throughout her pregnancy as she wants. Mommy-to-be can create an audio message and play that in the background while her pregnancy photos, baby’s ultrasound pictures are displaying to Daddy-to-be.
Sponsoring a military mom-to-be is just one way that we can support our troops and help them get through the difficult time of being away from home during the holidays. You can support our troops overseas in other ways, as well. December 11th is the last day that you can send care packages to military personnel so they will get them in time for Christmas.