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A huge list of free baby stuff that new parents can receive (at no charge) just for asking! I do my best to keep this list of free stuff for moms updated.

I'm a FT stay-at-home mom... and I sometimes need a break! I've found 10 ways to enjoy a well-deserved mom day while socializing my toddler at the same time

Tired of buying ordinary baby shower gifts? You'll LOVE these clever baby shower gift ideas! A list of unique baby gifts that first-time moms appreciate. These are the best gifts for new parents.

Pregnancy after miscarriage is a difficult thing to talk about. Here are the problems you may face if you try to conceive after suffering a miscarriage.

Trying to get pregnant, but finding it difficult? Between 40% and 50% of infertility cases are due to male infertility. Here's what you need to know.

Being a first-time dad is not only exciting and exhausting, it's also a special time of pride, joy, and love. So why not go the extra mile for his first Father's Day by celebrating with unique gifts and doing fun things that a brand new dad would enjoy most of all? Here are the best gift ideas & fun things to do for the new dad on his first Father's Day.

There are tons of baby cell phone apps available now for new parents. Photo by PatCastaldo on Flickr

Most of us have heard about the thousands of cell phone apps available these days, but do you know about all of the baby cell phone apps that exist for new moms and dads? Here are all the best iPhone apps for parents -- to make both your pregnancy and life with your new baby a little easier... and fun!

The best online resources, websites, blogs, and books just for expectant fathers.

If you just had a baby and you notice that your partner seems more blue than usual, he could be suffering from paternal postnatal depression. Here are the risk factors and symptoms. If you see the warning signs, get your partner help... fast!