Articles Tagged:

Baby Names

There are tons of baby cell phone apps available now for new parents. Photo by PatCastaldo on Flickr

Most of us have heard about the thousands of cell phone apps available these days, but do you know about all of the baby cell phone apps that exist for new moms and dads? Here are all the best iPhone apps for parents -- to make both your pregnancy and life with your new baby a little easier... and fun!

Is your baby a little girl? Have you found a baby girl name yet? Here are all the best resources to help you find a unique baby girl name for your new bundle of joy.

Did you know that there are actually baby boys names that you shouldn't choose for your baby? Choosing baby boys names can be challenging, but choosing the wrong baby boys name could actually determine a bad future for your child. See why.

Yep, the SSA keeps track of the most popular names each year, based on newly registered Social Security numbers. What a neat way to see which names were popular each year!

Choosing a baby name can be difficult. The name you choose will ultimately impact your child's life and maybe even his future! Here's how to choose a name for your baby that he or she will love!

How do you choose a name for your baby that is unique enough to make your child feel special, but not so unique that he wants to change it at the first opportunity? Here are 7 ideas, plus links to lots of helpful websites & the best baby naming books!

Here's a list of fun things to do in the doctor's waiting room while you are pregnant. With OB visits every two weeks (and more), you'll never run out of fun things to do while you wait for your prenatal appointments.

Are you trying to find a baby name that's not too trendy? Here's a list of the best resources for hip baby names, including how to see if your baby's name is too trendy!