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This video shows how to lose all the baby weight you gained during pregnancy... really fast!

As a new mom, you probably have a lot of breastfeeding questions right now. Here are all of the silly breastfeeding myths you can put to rest right away!

My baby is 17 months. I'm often asked, 'How much longer do you plan to breastfeed? Here is my experience breastfeeding beyond 1 year, plus the benefits of extended breastfeeding.

Whether you have issues with traditional pregnancy products or not, there’s just something special about wanting to protect your baby's health and pureness from conception to birth. As a mom myself, I've got some suggestions that helped me when I was pregnant and looking for organic pregnancy products on a budget.

Babywearing wraps are the best! I would rather wear my baby than carry him. Here's my review of the Moby Wrap Classic - the pros & cons, plus how to wrap a Moby Classic yourself.

Reading to babies from birth is important. By 3 months my baby was fully engaged while reading books. I built my baby's reading library with free baby books!

You're a busy mom. Caring for a baby leaves little time for yourself - and exercise. Struggling with losing weight after pregnancy? Here are 5 things to try.

There are tons of baby cell phone apps available now for new parents. Photo by PatCastaldo on Flickr

Most of us have heard about the thousands of cell phone apps available these days, but do you know about all of the baby cell phone apps that exist for new moms and dads? Here are all the best iPhone apps for parents -- to make both your pregnancy and life with your new baby a little easier... and fun!

See why you should reconsider getting the H1N1 flu shot if you're pregnant. There are 2 ingredients that could be dangerous to both yourself and your unborn child. Info and links regarding the safety of the H1N1 vaccine for pregnant women.