My baby boy is now 7 months old. He has 4 teeth and was off the charts for his last pediatric checkup. He is growing so fast and is already in 18-month clothing.
He was born at 9lbs, doubled his birth weight in 3 months, and now weighs well over 20lbs.
Right now, he is at a really needy stage and cries almost every time I go to set him down. He wants to be held, he wants to be close, and he wants to grab anything & everything his ‘lil monkey hands can reach!
Our days fly by together as I juggle working from home while entertaining a very active baby who doesn’t really nap during the day.
Thanks to my Ergobaby 4 position 360 carrier, I still manage to be somewhat productive with with a needy and heavy baby by my side.
With the Ergo 360 carrier:
- My domestic duties can still get done.
- The cats and dogs can be let in… let out (sigh).
- I can meet work deadlines.
- I can get some hands-free baby wearing work done.
4 Ways To Carry Baby In The Ergobaby 360
The Ergo 360 carrier is a really convenient way to do light duties around the house — and there are 4 comfortable ways to carry baby while leaving your hands free for other things:
- Front Carry (facing me) – I find the best time to use this is at the infancy stage. As baby grows, I use this carry if baby is super needy — or if I know he needs a nap when we’re out and about.
- Front Carry (facing forward) – As baby becomes more aware of his surroundings, he wants to see everything — so this is the carry I use the most. I can fold laundry, sweep the floor, play fetch with the dogs, etc. This also provides a learning environment for baby to watch and interact.
- Hip/Side Carry – I work on my phone a lot, so this is a great way to carry baby on my hip and to the side while freeing up my dominant hand. This carry also lets baby see everything while snuggling close to mama at this needy stage.
- Back Carry – It’s like having a little monkey on my back. I use this carry for hiking, walking with the dogs, making beds, doing dishes, cooking, etc.
Unique Features Of The Ergo 360 Carrier
The Ergobaby 360 has many great features that I think make it well worth the price:
- You can use it from birth — with the Ergobaby Infant Insert (sold separately, recommended for babies between 7 to 12lbs). We’ve used this Ergo baby carrier since our little one was a newborn. It has an adjustable back panel to provide the head support as needed. As baby grows and can hold his own head, the panel can be rolled down. It’s a great way for mama to get out and enjoy some fresh air with baby during those first few weeks at home!
- The baby sits comfortably in a bucket seat — to support proper spine position.
- The carrier distributes baby’s weight evenly — for mama’s hips (and has padded shoulder straps for mama’s shoulders).
- The Ergo 360 carrier grows with your baby — you can adjust the width of the bucket seat with different button positions.
- There’s an easy-access hidden sleeping hood — to provide shade from the sun, head support while sleeping, and modesty while nursing.
- The adjustable waistband provides support for your lower back and can be adjusted to carry baby higher or lower — based on your own comfort level.
- This carrier is made of 100% cotton — it can be washed on gentle cycle and air-dried.
- There is a teething and drool pad (sold separately) which can be removed for easy clean up — I recently ordered these, because he has really been chewing on the carrier and straps.
Again, I am blessed to have a wonderful circle of friends who are also my extended family. I received this baby carrier as a shower gift, and I get to think of them every time baby and I put it to use.
I highly recommend this carrier. As Ergobaby says:
Face in, face out – wherever you go, whatever you do, see it together!
Here’s my Ergobaby 360 review video — with a few more reasons I love this Ergo baby carrier: