During Your PregnancyHealth & Beauty

Pros & Cons Of Using Fetal Dopplers & Heartbeat Monitors To Track Your Baby’s Growth At Home

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By Andrea

In a world filled with technological devices, it shouldn’t be surprising that parents are buying and renting devices that monitor the baby, including fetal heartbeat monitors and fetal dopplers.

Even 12 years ago when I was pregnant with my second child, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my doctor owned an ultrasound machine and treated me to a visual presentation of my child at every appointment.

I still never imagined being able to have listening devices at home just over a decade later.

Today, parents are using fetal heartbeat monitors and fetal dopplers so they can monitor their newborn at will.  The purpose of having your own fetal monitor is to give peace of mind that your baby is doing well.

This new trend cannot be without its drawbacks, though.  Following are the pros and cons of using a fetal doppler to monitor your baby at home.

What Is A Fetal Doppler?

A fetal doppler is a handheld ultrasound transducers that uses “the doppler effect” to detect the baby’s heartbeat and allows you to hear it.

Some fetal dopplers have a small speaker-like device, so more than one person can hear the heartbeat at the same time.

Some models (fetal heartbeat monitors) also read the heartbeat and display the baby’s heartbeat in beats per minute.

In the end, fetal dopplers and fetal heartbeat monitors act much like traditional stethoscopes that allow you to listen to a heartbeat.

Fetal dopplers were originally created for doctors to use.

Pros Of Using A Fetal Doppler

  • Gives peace of mind, especially in cases of high-risk pregnancies.
  • If you are concerned about the baby not being active, you can check the heartbeat.
  • Monitoring an unborn child with a fetal doppler has no negative side effects.
  • Fetal dopplers can provide a unique bonding experience with the baby before birth.

Cons Of Using A Fetal Doppler

  • They are not always reliable and can cause added anxiety.
  • Doctors worry that using a monitor may cause parents to ignore possible signs of distress.
  • Some parents will use the monitor for hours on end when it is recommended by the FDA to use it only in moderation.

Fetal Dopplers You Can Rent

The cost to rent a fetal doppler is approximately $18 to $45 per month.

          Fetal Dopplers You Can Buy

          Stores sell fetal heartbeat monitors that aren’t exactly doppler devices.  With these fetal heartbeat monitors you can hear the heartbeat around 20 weeks and the price ranges anywhere from $450 into the thousands of dollars.

          Facts & Reviews Of Fetal Monitors

          In general, the medical grade fetal dopplers are more reliable than the listening devices found in stores.

          Before you buy or rent a fetal doppler, you’ll want to make sure the device is FDA approved.

          Here are the FDA regulations for fetal dopplers and ultrasound heartbeat monitors.