So your best friend, brother, or cousin’s wife is pregnant with their first child.
I’ll bet you’re wondering what to get the dad-to-be, right?
When this happened to me 2 years ago, at first I wasn’t even sure what I could get him that would relate to his becoming a father. I didn’t know if there were good gifts geared towards dads-to-be.
Well, I’m here to tell you there are. But even if the gifts on the following list that are obviously geared towards the new dad-to-be don’t strike your fancy, I’ve included some that are not so obvious as well.
Here are some gift ideas for the guy in your life that is about to become a father…
1 – A digital photo wallet
When I saw this digital photo wallet, I wished it had been available when my cousin’s wife had her baby because it would have been perfect.
What new daddy doesn’t want to show off his new baby? Now, instead of having to print out digital photos, he’ll be able to load those digital photos into his new wallet!
2 – A gift certificate to his (and her) favorite restaurant
Most likely, both he and his wife have been really focused on the baby’s arrival and they may not have had much time to themselves lately.
Giving him a gift to his favorite restaurant is one way to give he and his wife some time to themselves.
3 – A camcorder
Trust me, the father-to-be will thank you again and again for this gift, because now he can record all the precious moments from the very first day the baby makes its appearance. And the quality will be better than from a smartphone!
The price on camcorders has really come down in recent years. Plus, during the holidays there are always lots of sales, so you should be able to get a good deal if a camcorder is the gift of your choice.
4 – A guy’s diaper bag
Okay, let’s face it, the diaper bag that’s blue and white with little pink flowers marching all over doesn’t exactly scream masculinity.
So, one option is to get a diaper bag that is geared towards fathers. This is usually a very welcome gift.
5 – A book for dads-to-be
The book, The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-To-Be by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash is a fantastic book for first-time fathers who may be a little concerned since this is their first child.
Even if they aren’t giving everyone that impression, it’s still a great gift and will be appreciated.
6 – Tickets or a gift certificate
Does your dad-to-be like to golf or have some other sport or hobby he enjoys? Well why not get him tickets to a game you know he’d enjoy or a gift certificate to a day at his favorite golf course?
Maybe he likes to work with wood. If so, talk to his wife and find out if there are any tools he’d like to have, or maybe a book about a new technique he wants to try.
7 – A digital picture frame
These are extremely popular gifts for anyone, but digital photo frames for dads-to-be- are especially thoughtful.
If he works in an office environment, a digital photo frame is a great addition for the desk in his office. It’s yet another way for the first time father who wants to be able to share pictures of his new baby once he or she is born.
8 – A personalized gift certificate
This is something you could make that says he and his wife have one or two nights of babysitting from you so they can go out and have some time to themselves.
I’ve done this for both male and female friends and relatives as a gift and have found it to be much appreciated.
Now that you’re armed with some ideas for what to get your favorite dad-to-be, you should be able to find the perfect gift for him!