In your 3rd trimester, you’ll be going to the doctor a lot more:
every 2 weeks, then every week for the last month.
That’s a lot of waiting!
Here’s a fun list of things to keep you busy after you’ve leafed through Parents magazine… twice.
There’s a reason new babies have so many knitted booties!
Keeping your hands busy is a great way to spend time waiting.
(And splurge on some gorgeous natural yarns while you imagine that baby soft skin!)
2. Address the envelopes for your baby announcements.
You can’t print the baby information before baby arrives, but you certainly can have the envelopes stamped and ready-to-go. Most stationers will sell you the envelopes in advance.
It was embarassing how many cracker crumbs and old receipts I unearthed while during my 3-hour gestational diabetes test!
Tip: keep all baby-related receipts in a pocket or envelope. There may be many items to return after baby arrives!
4. Buy a just-for-the-doctors-office book.
As a book lover, this is one of my favorite tricks. I buy a great new book, but I only let myself read it in the waiting room.
This keeps me from slurping it down during bouts of pregnancy insomnia and gives me something to look forward to at every visit.
5. Make lists!
Even though I’m not a natural born organizer, I keep a blank pad in my organizer just for times like this. It’s kind of hard NOT to think of the impending arrival when you’re surrounded by other pregnant women!
Have you picked out the baby’s name yet? Get writing!
What do you have left to buy for the nursery?
What will you pack in your hospital bag?
Based on many hours of recent experience, here are a few things I would caution you NOT to do while waiting! Let’s have a little courtesy for the other pregnant women around you, okay?
Talk loudly on your cell phone, especially to an ex-husband or ex-boyfriend.
Eat a Sonic cheese coney with onions.
Tell your long, scary birth story to the entire room, complete with gory details.
Nervously kick your foot 500 times on someone else’s chair.
Rip out pages from the new magazine.
What do you like to do — or NOT see other pregnant women doing — in the doctor’s waiting room?