So how do you know if you’re pregnant?
These days, simply knowing what the possible signs of pregnancy isn’t enough.
Some women continue to menstruate even when they are pregnant.
Other women, because they don’t have regular periods anyway, simply will not assume if their period stops that they are pregnant.
Must read: 12 Reasons You Missed Your Period But Aren’t Pregnant
Three possible signs of pregnancy are:
- Breasts that are more tender than normal. Many women say that their breasts become tender to the point of being very painful even from the touch of clothing.
- Any change in your appetite pattern. This can be anything from feeling totally ravenous all the time, to not wanting to eat anything at all.
- You’re totally exhausted all the time, more so than ever before. Many women report being so tired they sometimes fall asleep at work in front of their computer, or when sitting up in a chair while someone is talking to them.
According to the Mayo Clinic, a few more possible signs of pregnancy are:
- Nausea where you may or may not also have vomiting
- A small amount of bleeding or cramping
- Frequent headaches
- Fainting and dizzy spells
Is it possible to NOT know that you’re pregnant?
10 Tips To Ensure You’ll Have A Healthy Pregnancy
Having a healthy pregnancy is important — not just for you, but for your baby as well.
Here are 10 ways to help ensure that you and your baby stay healthy and happy!
- Learn as much as you can about being pregnant. Talk to pregnant girlfriends, or girlfriends who have been pregnant in the recent past, as well as female relatives who have been pregnant.
- Begin researching different places where you might want to give birth.
- Plan your pregnancy ahead of time.
- Avoid substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs that could harm your health and the health of your baby.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Be active. If you weren’t active before getting pregnant, start out gradually with walks or yoga. You’ll want to start with easy exercise that is low-impact, and then gradually increase the amount of exercise you get each day over time.
- Rest as much as you need to. If your body says it needs a break or needs to rest, then take the time to do so.
- Talk with your baby, and establish a bond with him right away.
- Keep stress to a minimum.
- Enjoy being pregnant!
My favorite things to write about are topics that have to do with weather, pregnancy, weddings, saving money, living green, and my life with dogs. When I’m not writing, I love to spend time with my husband, read, create 3D artwork and Native American beadwork.