If your doctor has informed you that your pregnancy is high risk, relax — it’s not the end of the world.
High risk doesn’t always mean life-threatening. And it is certainly not a term that should elicit feelings of fear and doom.
It’s merely a classification that many healthcare providers use to indicate pregnancies where there is a greater chance of a health problem occurring. Labeling a pregnancy as high risk helps you and baby get the special attention you need to ensure the best outcome.
The conditions listed below put you and your baby at a higher risk for problems, such as slowed growth for the baby, preterm labor, preeclampsia, and problems with the placenta. But it’s important to remember that being at high risk doesn’t mean that you or your baby will have problems. Source
High Risk Pregnancy Factors
Some common health conditions that may put you in the high risk pregnancy category include:
- Diabetes (Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes)
- High blood pressure
- Age (over the age of 35)
- Kidney disease
- Cancer
- History of preterm labor
There are also a few other reasons why a woman may experience a high-risk pregnancy.
Here’s a complete list of high risk pregnancy complications.
How To Get Through A High Risk Pregnancy With Ease
Although you may not have much control over your diagnosis, following your doctor’s orders can have a positive impact on your pregnancy.
Here are some things you can do to keep your sanity and improve your mood during a high risk pregnancy:
#1 – Talk To Someone
You don’t have to necessarily talk to a psychiatrist or a counselor, but you should talk to someone.
Make sure the person you elect is someone who cares and is a good listener. You should be able to confide in that person without any worries.
It’s important to release the stress you’re feeling, because stress itself causes pregnancy risks.
#2 – Get A Hobby
Pregnancy can be a trying time for some women — especially if there are activity restrictions or bed rest orders.
Depending on the severity of your restrictions, you may not be able to do the things you normally would to keep yourself busy. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still keep yourself occupied:
- Write a book or some fanfiction
- Read books
- Catch up on your favorite TV shows
- Learn a new skill
#3 – Focus On Baby Prep
No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy, it’s never too soon to start preparing for your baby’s arrival.
Go online if you can’t get to a store, and start looking for items that your baby will need.
Research the latest trends and ideas — to get some inspiration on how to design or decorate the nursery and your living space with the new baby.
There are so many things that need to be in order before baby arrives. Start taking care of them now and you’ll stay busy right up until you deliver!
#4 – Get Your Other Kids Ready
If you have other children, then you need to pay attention to their feelings about your pregnancy and the new baby.
Depending on your kids’ ages, this may or may not be an easy thing:
- Many older children tend to be understanding and receptive towards the idea of having a younger sibling — but not all are.
- Many younger children tend to be on the fence or scared about the situation — while others are excited.
No matter the ages of your children, make an extra effort to let them know how much you love them, that you are not replacing them, and that you are very happy with them… as individuals.
Even though these may seem like things your children should already know, you have to remember that you’re not the only one who is going to experience feelings — both good and bad — about the new arrival.
A new baby affects everyone in the family, especially the children.
Here’s a great list to help you prepare kids ages 1 through 5 differently, based on their age.
My Own Experience…
When I was expecting my second child, my oldest was angry. (She is 12 years older than my middle child.) Initially, I thought she was happy — like I was. But at some point, I realized she wasn’t. I guess after being the only child for 12 years, her reaction was to be expected. It took a lot of effort to get her onboard and happy with our new arrival at the time. Fortunately, once my second child was born, you could never tell that my oldest was originally not happy about the situation.
During my last pregnancy, my toddler and my oldest were ecstatic. My oldest became my shadow, and my toddler would ask me daily if the baby was done. They were so eager for their younger sibling to be born — it nearly drove me crazy.
Remember, having a high risk pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad is going to happen. Both you and your baby may not have any health problems at all! So just keep yourself busy and happy and let your healthcare providers do their part.
More High Risk Pregnancy Factors & Complications
In addition to the links I’ve included above, here are some other resources to help you get through your high risk pregnancy: