During Your PregnancyHealth & Beauty

Organic Pregnancy – Tips For Living A Natural Life While Pregnant

These days, many women are choosing to have an organic pregnancy.

By living as naturally as possible while you’re pregnant, you’re having a positive impact on your own health, your baby’s health, and the environment as  whole.

Along these same lines, there are a number of environmental risks that pregnant women should be aware of.


Following are the best ways to live a natural life while you’re pregnant, plus some post-pregnancy organic choices worth considering.


Organic Pregnancy Tips

BONUS TIP:  Be sure to let family and friends know about your desire to use all-natural products, so when it comes time for baby showers and buying gifts for you or the baby, you get items that you are comfortable using around your baby — like these nontoxic baby products.


Organic Choices After Pregnancy

Many women have such a pleasant experience with their organic pregnancy that they continue the all-natural lifestyle even after the baby is born.

The idea: you want to ensure everything that comes in contact with your baby is safe and healthy.

Do you realize that many of the baby products that you are likely to give your newborn — like blankets and toys — contain something that could be toxic to both you and your baby? Thankfully, you have the ability to prevent your baby from being exposed to so many toxins by choosing organic baby products.


In line with each of the items mentioned above, here are some specific ways to ‘live green’ with your new baby:

BONUS TIP: It’s worth noting that “baby safe” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s completely safe to use on your little one. Instead, you should look for items that are labeled “non-toxic” or “organic” or “all-natural” to be sure. Here is an example of 5 things to avoid.


More Organic Pregnancy & Baby Tips

10 Tips To Make Your Pregnancy Organic

5 Foods Pregnant Women Should Eat Organic

All-Natural & Organic Essentials For Mom And Baby

3 Steps To A Healthy, Green, Organic Pregnancy

10 Must-Have Eco-Friendly Items For Mother & Baby